Buford, GA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Skilled Buford, GA Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Motorcycle injury attorneys Buford, GAMotorcycle accident data in Georgia shows that motorcycle accident fatalities have steadily risen over the past few years. While motorcycles represent only two percent of registered vehicles in the state, they represented 11 percent of total traffic fatalities and 21 percent of total driver fatalities in 2019. Those who ride motorcycles appreciate their sense of freedom, but all too often a day out in the sunshine and fresh air results in senseless tragedy.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in Georgia, it’s crucial to have a legal advocate by your side to seek compensation for your injuries. At Davies Hothem Injury Law, our skilled motorcycle accident lawyer in Buford, GA, brings extensive experience in assisting injured motorcyclists and their families to secure the compensation they deserve for their damages.

Disproportionate Injuries to Motorcyclists

While we all understand the difference between a passenger vehicle and a motorcycle. And when it comes to safety, the differences are night and day.

Motorcycles, being lightweight two-wheeled vehicles, rely heavily on continuous forward motion, traction, and balance. Their smaller size can make them easily hidden in a driver’s blind spot, putting riders at significant risk when other drivers fail to check their surroundings while changing lanes or are distracted.

Unlike cars, which have continuously evolved with safety features like seatbelts and airbags to protect occupants, motorcycles provide minimal protection for riders. With no seatbelts, airbags, or surrounding structure, riders are left vulnerable, relying primarily on their clothing and helmet for protection. As a result, accidents involving motorcycles often lead to much more severe injuries compared to car accidents.

Common Injuries Suffered By Bikers

Injuries suffered by motorcyclists are often especially devastating given their lack of protection. Even a minor accident can result in serious injuries including:

  • Road rash
  • Burns and scarring
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Compound fractures
  • Loss of limbs
  • Paralysis
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Internal organ damage
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Wrongful death

While some of these injuries may resolve with medical intervention, recovery time, and physical therapy, some will have life-changing consequences and result in long-term disabilities. Getting the assistance of an experienced Buford, GA motorcycle accident lawyer is critical to getting the compensation you deserve after a serious motorcycle accident.

Insurance Bias and Motorcycle Riders

Compounding this increased vulnerability is the bias many riders encounter when seeking compensation after an injury. In accidents involving motorcycles, there is often a predisposition against the rider when determining fault and negotiating a fair settlement. Insurance companies are aware that juries often have unfavorable views of motorcyclists, making them less likely to offer the compensation that the rider rightfully deserves for their injuries.

Consequently, bikers can’t trust that they are being treated fairly by the insurance company. This is where the skilled Buford, GA motorcycle accident attorneys at Davies Hothem Injury Law come in. We know that personal injury claims settlements demand time, patience, and diligence. While an insurance company may offer a quick settlement, this will rarely be one that you deserve for everything you are entitled to.

We are dedicated to helping you pursue compensation for:

  • All medical expenses, including emergency care, hospitalizations, surgeries, doctor visits, prescription medications, medical devices, equipment, physical therapy, in-home nursing care, and any other injury-related costs.
  • Lost wages and any future medical expenses.
  • Reimbursement for personal property damage, such as your motorcycle.
  • Compensation for loss of earning capacity if you have suffered a disability that prevents you from returning to work.
  • Pain and suffering, along with other non-economic damages.

If you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident, you or other family members may be entitled to a wrongful death claim against the at-fault driver. Getting the advice and legal guidance of a skilled Buford, GA motorcycle accident lawyer can help ensure that you get the compensation you deserve after a serious motorcycle accident.

Ensuring You Are Being Treated Fairly After a Motorcycle Accident

Sadly, motorcyclists often encounter significant challenges when seeking fair compensation for their injuries after an accident. At Davies Hothem Injury Law, we leverage our years of experience to fight for your rights and ensure you receive fair treatment. If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, we are prepared to take the insurance company or the at-fault driver to court to secure the compensation you deserve.

Call an Experienced and Compassionate Buford, GA Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Call us at (678) 681-9618 or contact us on our online contact form to schedule a free consultation. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve after a serious motorcycle accident.